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Wednesday, August 07, 2013

wednesday well-being

welcome to wednesday well-being.

since coming across brene brown at world domination summit last year, i hear about her constantly. people love her and i can see why. above is her ted talk on vulnerability and more video inspiration.

as we all know, well-being starts from within. it's about self-care, compassion, and filling our body with the right tools. i love the work brene is doing in the world as it's different, gets us in touch with typically taboo topics {like shame and vulnerability}, and she has a fabulous texas twang! truly, i was most mesmerized with her talk last summer and continue to be impressed.

brene states, "vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. truth and courage aren’t always comfortable, but they’re never weakness." here's how she claims vulnerability can make our lives better. how can you be vulnerable today? bisous. x

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Sarah said...

I wasn't familiar with Brene Brown, but really enjoyed this Ted Talk! Thank you so much for posting this. It really resonated with me!


Sarah said...

Brene Brown has done some amazing work and what I especially love is that it is backed up by her research! I have been looking into her programs that she has created for use with clients and am incorporating it in my counseling practice.