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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

giveaway o' love

last week i learned to can and started by blending culinary lavender with peaches from a recent harvest of my parent's peach tree. i'd love to share the concoction with one lucky tranquility du jour reader. enter to win by leaving a love note or tranquility takeaway in the comment section below. the lucky winner will be chosen on sunday and a box of love will be en route to you via snail mail (the best kind) next week (along with a few other sensory surprises).

merci for reading. bisous. x

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Fate Filled Times said...

oohhh this looks lovely!

i used to not like lavender, but now i love it! i enjoy how our senses change with time.

"We are travelers on a cosmic journey - stardust, swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity." -Deepak Chopra

Thank you,


amykaireen at hotmail dot com

Nathalia said...
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Nathalia said...

This is so sweet, Kimberly! When I saw the post in you which talked about canning these I thought, those must be insanely delicious!

My dose of tranquility is a quote I find really inspiring. Most of my "tranquil" time is spent daydreaming (whether in the bath, writing in my journal, or during a walk!). This Mark Twain quote really represents that aspect of my tranquil moments:

"You will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."

xo, Nathalia

(Forgot to leave my email!

ren said...


i am a regular reader, although i have never commented here. apparently it takes the enticement of peaches and lavender to make me comment. i have real tranquility to offer but i will say that i truly enjoy and appreciate your musings here and in your books. i am trying to become more centered as opposed to self-centered and your calming influence is a help.

creatingavisiblelife said...

What a wonderful gift to share. Canned jam makes me think of my chidhood and a day of picking strawberries that my mother then used to make jam.

Thanks for bringing that memory back to me.

Unknown said...

Yum! Your adventures into culinary experiences seems to be going outstandingly well!

Only as high as I reach can I grow
Only as far as I see can I go
Only as deep as I look can I see
Only as much as I dream can I be -Karen Ravn

Such an inspiration is she, Ms. Kimberly!!

meecindy said...

sounds delicious! definitely something i'd like to try at some point. :)

Celebrant.Cindie said...

Many years ago I canned a bunch of fresh tomatoes - the best tomato sauce all winter long. Your jam reminds me of that time in my life when I felt that I had more time to be domestic and self-nurturing. My tranquility take-away is time. We can choose how we spend our time -- doing or being, only giving to others or balancing by occasionally indulging in giving to ourselves. Thank you for the reminder. Cindie

Amanda said...

I didn't know there was such a thing as culinary lavender; I thought it was just for scent. Huh. Learning something new every day. :)

"Let all that you do be done in love." - 1 Corinthians 16:14


Norgebarn said...

Oooh that I would love to try... sounds yumi :-)

My tranquility Tip if you are under a lot of stress/pressure just now and you feel you are not able to manage (but not if this is a constant thing hehe, just temporary) then use Bach Flower Remedies ELM... :-)
Something else for a change :-)


Charissa Struble said...

How delicious, fragrant, and amazing this jam must be!

My tranquility take-away is this:

"We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are spiritual beings on a human journey."

-- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

I saw this quote among others printed on the glass of a New Orleans building. I never found out what the building was used for but nonetheless, the quote stuck with me.

lilmissdogooder at

Jennifer said...

Thanks for this opportunity! It looks wonderful...canning is so rewarding, isn't it?
Last fall I made carrot cake jam and sweet pepper jelly to serve over cream cheese. Yum.
Thanks again!

Jennifer said...

Sorry, forgot my tranquility takeaway :) Easily, it has been art journaling and artist dates...I had never taken the time to nurture my own creativity. By doing this, I have opened my own eyes to my possibilities!
Thanks again,

Scribbling Change said...

tranquility bubble baths in the evenings with a book. and sending LOVE. lots of it. LOVE everything you are doing. very inspirational!

Corinne said...

What a nice giveaway!

You introduced me to my latest dose of tranquility--art journaling! I had such a good time at the studio and hope I can make the next workshop!

Janet said...

a little bit of lavender just seems to dress things up a bit! i love it. but i bet the best ingredient in your jam is the tlc you've infused it with. <3

LiziLifeCoach said...

That sounds so lovely. You always have the sweetest ideas :)

Leah Probst said...

I love your art journaling playshop at TSD! I'm the lady who showed up with her scrapbooking tote at last month's session.

My tranquility tip is to compile a Comfort Drawer, which I discovered from reading "Simple Abundance." Today has been one of those days that call for an extra-strength dose of tranquility, so I'm raiding my Comfort Drawer for a scented candle, cherished photos, some wine, and a soft throw blanket.

leahprobst at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Looks lovely!

Tranquility Tip:
Start your day with Gratitude, find a way that fits within your "habits" I tried a journal (and I LOVE journals) but found an app was what helped me keep this practice consistently

Make a braindump list if you are on overwhelm

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this lovely and unique giveaway!

My tranquility tip is a bit cheesy but it works for me: when things get a little too overwhelming for me, I simply tell myself that everything will get done the way they always get done: one at a time. Somehow that helps calm me down immediately. Oh, and take a very deep breath while you say it, too!


rach said...

So excited you learned to can! My grandma taught me and you inspired me to get it going again. And, they have beautiful roadside peach stands in Texas! Big hugs Kimberly!

Isca said...

My tranquil tip is to drink lavender! My favorite lavender tea is an Early Grey with lavender blossoms right in it. It's so pretty to scoop this loose leaf into my tea ball, and it smells divine! Tastes divine too, it's relaxation in a cup.

Stephanie said...

MSo strange, but this very jam popped into my mind today and I was going to ask if you would post the recipe. After a week of travel requiring 5 flights, 1 ferry ride and 12 hours of road travel (and just 2 more flights until I’m home!) I would offer the following tip for tranquil travel – carry chocolate and offer it to your fellow travelers.

Gretchen said...

I have been wanting to try canning forever, but haven't managed to try it yet. I'm seeing more and more people try it and succeed so I think I may be trying it soon!!!

Le Roost Rentals said...

I've seriously wanted to learn how to can and what a lovely combo you've chosen! *fingers crossed*

Lisa G said...

Hi Kimberly, I have an orange tree and have been thinking about learning how to can for a couple of years. I have more recently gotten into cooking (and love your new meatless Mondays btw), and you have inspired me to take on canning this winter. Thank you!! Lisa

AZ said...

I grew up watching my parents can everything from jams to pickles. They would grow vegetables and berries in their garden in spring/summer and then can all the goodies to last us through the winter. Watching them can is definitely one of my favorite childhood memories. They no longer have the garden (they moved), but any time I receive homemade jams, it brings back so many memories! Thank you for doing this giveaway, Kimberly!

goodmoodyogagirl said...

Lavender Peach jam would be lovely with a great pot of tea and a relaxing afternoon of reading!
Love the pictures that you post on your blog - just beautiful.

Thank you for being there for all of us!
blessings ~ diana

Unknown said...

The biggest takeaway I've had (there have been TONS) is that a dose of Tranquility is as near as our own breath. When things feel a little too much, I take a moment to focus in my inhalation and exhalation, sometimes with a mantra thrown in. I immediately feel more centered, connected and whole. I appreciate more the little moments in life to help bring me fully into the present. I am thankful to you for that, Kimberly! <3 Rebecca twinklestar1070 at hotmail dot com

Bronwyn said...

Thank you Kimberly, this is so sweet! One of my favorite Tranquility Takeaways 9 and there are many...) BED DAYS!!!!! I heart bed days.