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Thursday, June 09, 2011

joy of journal writing

last night i brought my 2.10 journal to a close. 
it always feels cathartic, and a bit sad, to pen final thoughts in a journal.
it's as if that chapter is over and i'm moving on despite having it documented
and at my finger tips. sigh. however, the joy of starting fresh is all-too-exciting!
especially with this gorgeous book of days created by papapya art.

a few favorite journaling tips:
1. write as the muse hits
2. writing first thing in the morning can be a great brain dump extravaganza
3. note date, time, location, mood
4. ponder "what isn't working?" or "what wants attention" or "what is transpiring within"
5. doodle, dream, draft
6. add color: pens, paint, markers
7. explore themes
8. forgo punctuation, grammar, spelling
9. keep your journal in tow, especially on travels
10. let go of your inner critic

bisous. x

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Corinne said...

When you write for a living, #10 never happens, LOL

kimberly wilson said...

probably #8 doesn't happen either, eh? a fun challenge for you! x

Corinne said...

No, it doesn't! I can't exactly submit grant proposals that way, either! {x}

Dawn Herring said...

I understand that bridge between finishing a journal and starting a new one; I've done it over 50 times!
I just love your unconventional list of favorite Journaling tips. I think number 7, Explore Themes, and number 10, Let go of your inner critic, are my favorites!

I have chosen your post, Joy of Journal Writing, for the #JournalChat Pick of the Day on 6/10/11 for all things journaling on Twitter. I will post a link on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and my blog, Refresh with Dawn Herring.

You’re welcome to follow my @JournalChat account on Twitter for all things journaling.

Thanks again for sharing your journaling transition and terrific tips for journal writing with us!

Be refreshed,
Dawn Herring
JournalWriter Freelance
@JournalChat on Twitter for all things journaling

kimberly wilson said...

thanks, dawn! great to know someone is out there spreading the joy of journaling daily! x