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Thursday, April 28, 2011

art journal transformation

i recently began playing with watercolors and have fallen in love with the medium. my latest adventure included covering an art journal in pink watercolor, adding an image of a girl on a bike, and writing over it using a quote by sarah ban breathnach for inspiration: "if we are to flourish as creative beings, if we are to grow into wholeness, we must bloom wherever we are planted." 

what unfolded was a list of artist date ideas that I wanted to share with you in hope that you, too, could engage your creative spirit for some artistic play.

watercolor afternoons * bookstore browsing * city hikes * discount store browsing * cafe sitting + reading * sewing lounge dates * writing * dreaming up e-courses * podcast interviews * bike rides * dance classes * closet organizing * getting dolled up * creating a workshop * beading * decorating an airstream * taking yoga classes, workshops + trainings * meditation * baths * day trips to new york or philly * beach * blog posts * planning provence * reading * miso + pot of tea at teaism * launching a women's group * vidcasts that inspire * vintage shopping * entertaining * museums * galleries

carve out space in your week for at least a few moments of 
connection to your creative spark. 
bisous. x

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rachal said...

Hi Kimberly~
You know which ecourse of yours I have a hankering to do again....Tranquilista:) It is a fabulous ecourse...and in an unfortunate ipod incident I lost all my podcasts of it. Anyway, I refer to my art journal of that class often and it would be fun to take it again sometime:) just sayin...

rachal said...

Umm...I just saw that you are offering Tranquilista in May...Thanks:)