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Thursday, January 27, 2011

india night benefit merci beaucoup

here's a snippet from last week's india night benefit. peruse all photos on tranquil space's 
facebook album. we created an altar, indulged in yummy indian cuisine, chai and chocolate from catalyst gourmet, and raised $1000 for Help in Suffering or Envrionment Support Group. as i prepared the crowd for my harmonium debut of lokah samasta sukino bhavantu, i shared that i was finding my edge (point past comfort zone before pain) as i often encourage them to do in yoga class. we then practiced tonglen. the evening was magical and i was SO very grateful for the support and enthusiasm regarding celebrating all things india! namaste.

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Sarah said...

Tonglen is so important and thank you for reminding me. I need to add it to my home yoga practice. At the yoga studio I used to go to in PA, before moving, we often ended yoga with tonglen and chanting lokah samasta sukino bhavantu. I enjoy positioning my hands in abhaya mudra, while breathing in a fear (or stress) through my right hand and releasing it through the left on an exhalation.

Sweet Pea (formerly Alice) said...

Wow, I so wish I had been there! In fact I wish I were in DC on a regular basis so I could attend all your classes!

kimberly wilson said...

LOVE tonglen. such a powerful practice. love the practice you described, the analyst. beautiful! xx