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Thursday, November 19, 2009

day six: beau joins moi + giveaway

day six:
"to err is human, to stroll is parisian." - victor hugo

 decided it was time to surrender to sleep around 4am. excited for beau's arrival, i woke up around 8ish thinking i was hearing a suitcase in the courtyard. instead it was a neighbor leaving for work. slumbered off and on until i heard him speaking "frenglish" outside the door. jumped out of bed and gave him a big hug. was so happy to see him. begged for a bit more sleep and he promised to stay up watching some recorded tv shows since he shouldn't sleep (jet lag mantra). well, an hour later, we were both slumbering until 4ish. ah, best laid plans. headed out to dinner at cafe le flore. yummy vegetarian quiche, greens, tea topped of with ice cream for dessert. next a stroll along blvd st-germain into the latin quarter followed by more walking along the left and then right bank of the seine. we saw the eiffel tower begin to sparkle and i took the best shot i could. the lights look blue but they were a gorgeous white. love me some sparkles. finally we hit another sidewalk cafe for more tea and an assortment of yummy cheese. can never have too much cheese. that's where i shot this fun picture of beau gleefully enjoying his tea. so handsome. back home close to midnight. tomorrow musee d'orsay and dinner plus show at moulin rouge! tres bien.
 french-lovers giveaway
my apartment if chock-full of scented goodies i'll be bringing home to a few of my dearest femmes. as a merci beaucoup to you, my beloved blog readers, i'd love to offer a *french-filled care package* to one lucky person who comments on this post. all i ask is that you share a sentence or two . . . or  three on why you read this blog, tranquility du jour. the lucky winner will be announced before i leave paris on monday. ooh la la! i look forward to hearing your feedback,
s'il vous plaît. good luck.
stroll, savor, and sparkle. xoxo

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Anonymous said...

So glad you are enjoying Paris with Tim :) I have been loving your Paris posts. I read you blog because it a daily reminder for me to be present and enjoy life, plus it provides wonderful inspiration and savoir-faire.

Zoë said...

Such romance!

I read your blog because you are like a shining internet mentor always there when people need inspiration. Personally you inspire me to believe I too can fulfill my dreams and ambitions one day just like you are :)

Unknown said...

Sounds like you are having a WONDERFUL time! I *love* reading your blog because it keeps me inspired and upbeat as I go through a challenging time in my life (unemployment, ugh), and it helps me remember the joy I felt as I experienced Paris for the first time at age sixteen! May your days there be filled with much bonheur et amour!

Carolyn said...

your Blog has helped guide me to balance my life in ways a year ago I thought unimaginable.How inspirational! Merci Beau Coup!!

Anonymous said...

I read this blog because you inspire me, Kimberly. You inspire me to enjoy life and instead of saying "why" all the time, I am starting to say "why not?" I thank you for that.

Self Help Goddess said...

Soooo jealous that you are in my favorite city in the world!! :-)

I love reading your blog because it inspires me to love myself, express myself, and be authentically me, 100% of the time!!! (Easier said than done, but you get the point!)

Thanks for all your inspiration:)

Amy Techentin said...

I'm loving your Paris account! Love traveling vicariously :)
I read your blog for daily inspiration to live the life I WANT to live. Love the beauty of it and the yoga tips also...

Sarah said...

I've been reading your blog for about 3 years now. I find that it truly does inspire me in many ways: creatively it encourages me to strive for goals I may never have pondered; spiritually it enables me to look within and truly live my yoga off the mat; mentally it helps me take a bit of time for myself every day; and physically it always gives me a dose of lovely eye candy!

Ms.Lee said...

bonjour mes amis!

i read this blog AND listen to your podcast, tranquility du jour, because you seek out inspiring people with inspiring stories to tell... authors, leaders, yogis, artists... you spread creativity and curiosity for life with your super big heart and spirit and you empower others to do the same.

i'm so happy i found your podcast 3 years ago and have been a listener and blog reader of yours ever since.

merci beaucoup for all you do, kimberly! you rock!

-Amy Lee

Katherine said...

sounds like you are having a marvelous time! i read this blog for many reasons! it reminds me to live in the present moment with a hip attitude and individual flair. you always offer thoughtful ways to bring yoga philosophy into modern day living! i also love the podcasts and all their inspiration. i read this blog to invite tranquility into my life everyday!

Shannon said...

As I continue to work towards a more positive, creative and enlightened self there are times when I will stumble and let doubts/negativity take over. And when that happens I like to read your blog for inspiration (I also read it when I’m not stumbling!) I know you – and your lovely guests - have struggled with the same fears, doubts, etc. but you continue to shine and share your inner - and outer – sparkly light with the rest of us. Plus I have to live vicariously through someone eating French cheese in Paris! Bon appétit…

Anonymous said...

Paris = Bliss. I just kind of "stumbled" on your book and loved it. I started reading your blog and in it you show what it is like to live life to its fullest and not be afraid of your uniqueness and individuality. Love it!

Naeesa said...

Bonjour! I read your blog because you are living my dream and you inspire me!

Jen said...

Don't worry about the jet lag! You will feel good on your last couple of days there! Its always that way!!

I read your blog everyday to read an inspired womans journey through life,(who happens to love all the things I do!) and as a reminder everyday that you CAN do it all! Thank you everyday!!

Lara Hedin said...

Hi Kimberly!

Bon voyage en Paris! I follow you on Twitter, and have been directed and reminded each day of your trip to read what you did that day.

I love it! It's a great story to look forward to, and to see what you've been discovering each day. I feel like I'm there too, (in some small way ;))

Enjoy the rest of your trip, and your beau! tres romantic!

Sarah said...

Kimberly, such a lovely time both of you are having! The Latin Quarter, romance, cheese, Paris!

Your blog (and podcast and book) have taken me through such an amazing journey of life. With all of my academic work, it can be stressful, but your words of wisdom create a breath of fresh air (deep long breaths of fresh air), and remind me of all the amazing possibilities that await me. Possibilities I can achieve and leave behind me a wonderful legacy.

Anonymous said...

Kimberly, j'adore your blog because you bring joy & inspiration to my heart, mindfulness & motivation to my life, & a sparkling dab of pink to my own palace. Apprécier Paris!

Unknown said...

When I read your blog I feel like I get to live vicariously through your experiences. You are truly inspiring, when I am having a stressful moment I will often read the blog and then feel so much better. It really helps to bring my attention back to the importance of the little things and reignites my passion for all they I do get to do. So thank you!

Unknown said...

Oh goodness, what an amazing treat it would be to receive some french goodies from you! :) Yay!

I think you already know why I read your blog, but I think this sums it up the best: You're fabulous! :) (And I love to live vicariously through you)

Nina xoxo

Lynne from NY said...

J'adore reading your blog because it always inspires be a better person, to try new and different things and share the tranquility I've found with others.

It's always a shining, sparkling moment in my day....merci beaucoup!

Leslie said...

I read this blog because you are a role-model to me. I enjoy your perspective on life and tidbits on tranquility. I appreciate your authenticity and aspire to follow my dreams as you have yours!

Karyn and Brandon V said...

Kimberly, I love reading your blog because it offers so much to my soul: inspirational ideas and thoughts, exciting adventures, thoughtful ways of looking at things, and overall a big stress reliever for me. Being a pediatric nurse (especially during this time of year), this is very amazing for me! This French one in particular makes me yearn for the days I lived in Belgium. I was an air force brat. :) Thank you!


Dominique said...

I read this blog because though I am still young and a lot of what you talk about is still out of reach, I think it is never too soon to set high goals for yourself.

Ange said...

I came across your blog about 2 yrs ago when I first started my yoga practice. And I'm so happy I did! i subscribe to your podcasts also and you have been such a blessing! Your positivity & appreciation for the little details in life really speaks to me. Thanks for adding a little
"sparkle" into my life!

Caren said...

refreshingly genuine, authentically you, and always inspiring and positive.

beth c. said...

hey kimberly, I'm tres jaloux that you are off having a blast in the city of light! I'm a sophomore in college (majoring in french, en fait!) and I have been listening to your podcasts and reading your blog since 2007--i'm totally addicted to your bubbly personality, positive outlook on life, and awesome advice! I always look forward to reading/listening to your 'fantastique' words of wisdom :) xo

ARG said...

I read your wonderful blog Kimberly, because you remind me that I hold the ability to create the future I seek! And that everyday is a new day to be a better person not only to myself but to others as well.

Anonymous said...

your tweets sweep me away to the streets of Paris with the lights, the smells, the feelings of vacation!

Jennifer said...

I love reading your blog because it is inspiring and aspirational. Even though today I took my 3 yr old princess to the doctor for an ear infection, I too get to visit Paris vicariously through you. Thank you for motivating me through a less than stellar day. Instead of regretting what I missing, I'm looking forward to good health and getting back to my practice!

Lisa said...

I read your blog because you are brave and live so fully, and yet you admit to being human and flawed as well. I also like how generous and enthusiastic you are. Very inspiring for a curmudgdon like myself ;)

kate said...

Bon nuit Kimberly! J'adore your blog! I've been reading your tranquility du jour for about 3 years! Your insight, inspiration to lead a fabulous life has kept me motivated and centered to create and nurture that in my own life. I've had a hectic few years with a move from California to boulder and back to DC has been more strenuous then I could have imagined (as well as making these changes with a husband and son in tow).from your blog posts to your tweets, I have some pretty fantastic inspiration daily! Merci beaucoup! Enjoy the rest of your bon vacances! Xxxx Kate

April said...

I read this blog because it inspires me to become a better me, a more whole me, a more brave to be me, a take care of me, a go do yoga on a cold day me, a turn on your head and breathe me. The me that's inside of me, the me that gets up in the morning and the world trembles a little me. The compassionate me, the me that strives to be a better

Sallie Ann said...

Well, i'm reading right now because it's so fun to see Paris through your experience. I think sometimes I don't relish it the way I once did, so I'm loving all your gratitudes and observances.

Overall, in addition to my unbelievable "old school," friends, I love keeping friends with all my inspiring internet friends. Reading this blog often adds sprinkles to my cupcake!

Caitlin said...

I found your blog sophomore year of college through the Crazy Sexy Cancer website. I was hooked from the very start because when I began reading, and listening to your podcast, I woke up! I was reminded of the first-grader version of myself who took yoga and french instruction books out of the school library, and brought her out of hiding. I continue reading to get my pink, leopard print, yogic, tranquil, bright-and-shiny, compassionate and jovial inspiration fix to keep me going, and to constantly keep that little girl version of myself in the front of my mind. Glad you're loving Paris! Thanks for continuing to be spectacular!

Jay said...

I love reading your blog because it reminds me that there is a creative spirit in all of us, and that we should be mindful of finding time and energy to honor big and small ways. Yay for you, and happy to hear you are enjoying your travels beaucoup!

Lucy said...

Bonjour Kimberly!

There are beaucoup reasons that I read your blog, but I'll try to choose my top three. Reason 1: Your blog reflects how purposeful you are, which I admire. Each day you share is tied to your big picture goals for your businesses, self care, legacy and creativity. Reason 2: I love seeing how you add flair and sparkle to your life. It reminds me to have fun even while doing tasks that are not all that glamorous like paying bills, etc. Reason 3 is that I love connecting with the people who comment on your blog--I've met some fabulous, inspiring women here. So, in short your blog inspires me to live each day with purpose and sparkly flair.

Thanks for sharing your Paris adventures in such detail. It's been the perfect thing to get me through this ridiculously busy time of the semester.

Analiese said...

Wow, Paris sounds so amazing!

I read Tranquility du Jour because it provides me with a steady stream of inspiration, serenity, and joie de vivre. It is a regular reminder to slow down, be present, and appreciate the simple abundance of everyday life! xoxo.

Anonymous said...

I've always wanted to go to Paris and am so enjoying the opportunity to live vicariously!! I have been reading this blog since it began because it provides me with inspiration to be a positive force in the world - by examining myself and my path, trying new things, and showing kindness through thoughtful gestures and the way I live. Thank you so much for being such a sparkling example!

Mindy said...

Hi Kimberly! I am loving following along with your Parisian adventures :-)

I read your blog because I find you to be such an inspiration as I travel my own entrepreneurial path! I enjoy your posts on yoga and more and appreciate how much your authentic self seems to come through in your writing.

Genevieve Luna said...

Every morning before I begin work, I always read your blog. Reading your blog in the morning gets my day started. It give me inspiration, an open mind, motivation and most of all, insight into a life that is full of tranquility, adventure, yoga and serious ambition. I truly enjoy your blog. Thanks for sharing.

Madeline (aka Miri) said...

Being a part of the tranquil space community helped me realize that I wanted to share yoga with others. This part of my life is so amazing and rewarding and I wouldn't have it if it weren't for Tranquil Space.

So, I read your blog to push myself to keep living my life like I mean it. I am constantly inspired by your blog and all that you do. You are never afraid to try things out and as a result you have achieved SO MUCH. I like the reminder to never rest on my laurels, never forget to live in the moment, and never stop living creatively. I know I will be a more true expression of myself if I continue to stay open to possibilities. Reading your blog helps me do that!

Ashley said...

I read this blog because it reminds me to slow down. With all the chaos that comes along with graduating college and having to find a job, it's nice to read something that reminds me how simple it can be to add a little luxury to everyday life.

Unknown said...

Every morning, I start my day by checking your blog. There's something magical in your combination of optimism, cheerfulness, persistence and passion. Your blogs and podcasts never fail to get my creative juices flowing and move me to not just be content to dream, but to follow your lead and ACT on my dreams! In your blogs I find my favorite things-goal-setting, planning and organizing, a love of books and self-help, yoga, self-care, self-indulgence. I learn from your efforts at striking a balance between work and play, between sacred and profane, awareness and forgiveness. Most of all, daily readings of your blog remind me that I have the power to create the life that I want, and to never forget the importance of adding dashes of pink and sparkles to everything that I do.

Anonymous said...

I am enjoying your Paris posts! (especially reading about all the veggie food you've been eating..:))

I love how your blog reflects your sunny personality, and that is one of the reasons why I enjoy reading it.


Kara said...

It sounds like you are having a fabulous time in the City of Lights! It's my favorite city in the world. We spent our honeymoon there last summer, and I am thrilled for you that your beau is able to join you in this most romantic city.
I was hoping to go back in April for my BIG birthday (it ends in a 0), but i will be one week away from the birth of my first child instead. Sigh...Paris will have to wait. an early french prezzie from your travels instead? (hint hint)

alcaldeellen said...

I'm a former student from long, long ago in DC at Joy of Motion, now living in New Mexico, still doing yoga, and it's great being able to follow along with you, since discovering your blog a few years ago. You've done a lovely job of immersing your readers in Paris - I've quite enjoyed vicariously being there and remembering what I love about the city. But I'm also a fan of the quotidian, day-to-day tales of work and life and home, as well. Such a lot of work on your part, but it clearly brings pleasure to many!

Unknown said...

How wonderful to experience the joy of Paris. I've enjoyed so much the impressions you've shared. They bring back wonderful memories and a strong desire to return!

Shadiah said...

I read your blog becuase I admire you -- a self-made, mega woman empire! Lately I've been getting closer and closer to rebelling against the corporate drain, drop out of "responsible" existence, and shoot for my dreams to become a personal brand (the "Latina wellness guru" and TV host). Seeing women like and websites and blogs like yours give me extra extra inspiration to just trust that if I do what I love, I'll be a smashing success!! Thanks for doing what you love!

Heather Pierce said...

TDJ is a happy reminder for me to continue to LIVE my passion and ENJOY the process of doing so. i get such a SPARK reading about your constant SELF-EVOLUTION... the high and low notes and all of the in-between. you INSPIRE me to SEARCH deeper and DREAM bigger!

Amanda St.Clair said...

It looks like you're having a wonderful time! I love reading your blog because it inpires me to keep pursuing my passions and to live a tranquil-filled life!

KK said...

When I first discovered Tranquility Du Jour, I was living in Beijing during the bitterly cold winter of 2006. Struggling with the language, the culture, and the lung-wracking pollution, my yoga and creativity practices grew weaker and weaker as the stresses closed in on me. Tranquility Du Jour (then, Hip Tranquil Chick) brought me springlike possibility and showed me the power of exuberance. I continue to read Tranquility du Jour because no matter what the season, I feel the joy, hope and energy of Spring!

Anonymous said...

This is the first time I have commented on here but we did message once on facebook. I read because you are my inspiration. You inspire me to live my best life --beautifully and tranquil and optimistic... I was a sad lonely single mother before I read your book, and it totally changed my life. I feel that if you can do it, I can too. Now I'm writing a novel and going back to school!

Wellness Journey said...

I read your blog everyday because you inspire me! You are my mentor and you remind me that you can follow many passions, and you can make a living out of doing what you love! Thank you!

Kathi said...

Your blog is a beacon of light in my day especially when I am feeling overwhelmed by life. You remind me that joy is there for the taking and also most importantly, you remind me to breathe. You are an absolute joy to read and it always brings a smile to my face. Keep keep us all above water....

Gumdrop said...

I read the blog and listen to the podcasts for inspiration! A fantastically hip, tranquil, focused, driven yogi gal doing her thing in a way nobody else could ever do, and loving every minute of its success! I admire you and hope one day I will have my own awesomeness to share with others like you have!

Aussi, j'adore le francais! Je l'ai etudie dans l'ecole secondaire et dans l'universite! C'est tres chouette que tu es un autre jeune femme qui adore toutes les choses francaises! :-)

imyurpal said...

I read your blog because you are a “teacher of the good life” as I see it. I learn so much from your posts, pictures and a great deal from your podcast. Your selection of guests are so great. You are like a window that I look through to see all the things that I like to do but can’t always get to and a reminder that I need to do them. You really are an inspiration to all women because in reality we all want the same things. I absolutely love your Paris posts, having never been there at least now I feel like I have to go and have some rose wine and take in a show at the Moulin Rouge. I look forward to see how this trip will inspire your future business endeavors, and hopefully we could all take a step with you along the way through your blog. In celebration of your Paris trip, I think I will now go watch the movie Moulin Rouge.

Amanda said...

I read your blog because like you I love all things glittery, girly , and fabulous! I am a fellow yogini, and I find your blog just so darn inspirational I always walk away feeling my heart swell with love and joy**** Thank you Kimberly for being so awesome!

Tiffani said...

I read this blog because it unleashes my creative side. As soon as I start to feel in a "rut" I immediately turn on my computer and type in and head straight to your blog! It is so reassuring that there are creative people like yourself and others out there & no matter what continue to dream, think and live "outside of the box". It encourages me to do go on doing the same and hope to become such an influence for my ACCIDENTAL Chic readers ;)