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Friday, December 12, 2008

the gift of a cupcake

this week has been one interesting challenge after another. sometimes i think the universe is playing tricks. "how much more can she take?" "will this push her to her edge?" "how about this?" ah, our challenges ARE our biggest teachers, eh? after a complete reorg of the TranquiliT showroom until midnight, very little sleep, and a super-long day, i drove out to our arlington studio to teach tonight. i arrived early to set the stage for the yogis' practice and get a little of my own yoga on. shortly thereafter a teacher, who has also had a tough week, showed up with a gift from god - the most ornate, gorgeous, yummy cupcake! truly, i was so touched as i devoured it before teaching. it made my week! then, god gave me more. i came home to a gift basket from my bamboo fabric supplier that contained organic gummy bears. life is now complete. they make ORGANIC gummy bears! sometimes the universe provides unexpected delights to break up life's struggles. keep indulging in 'em with gratitude. happy weekend!

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Carolyn said...

Wow! I thought I was the only one to have a challenging week! I took the challenges head on- and balanced it out with little treats! I am glad to see that you did as well. Merci Beaucoup for all of your inspiration!

Lynne from NY said...

Ah that universe! After particularly stressful times, small rewards seem even better.

Try to catch up on your sleep this weekend, rest makes all the difference. I got nearly 10 hours of sleep last night (double the usual of late), and feel fantastic today. Off to yoga then pilates. Then........why not, a cupcake!!

Enjoy your weekend!

Ananda said...

i love when we just melt into the care of the universe. glad the cupcake came on time.