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Thursday, June 12, 2008

getting organized . . . again

ever feel like you're constantly trying to get to-dos off your list, squeeze in a meal, and find some sense of tranquility SOMEWHERE? the struggle that i've had since i started teaching yoga is going from class to meeting to class to phone call, etc. and the challenge with fitting in projects that take more time. i've studied time management (and clearly have TONS to learn) but continue to long for wide open space to conquer longer projects, play with some DIY projects (see yesterday's post), make some more tranquilista gems, work on TranquiliT spring 2009, write, read, do yoga, meditate, and nap for days. days, and more days. seriously, i think sleeping has become one of my favorite things!

today i had a canceled meeting and three hours of open space so i was able to get a yummy deep tissue massage (to release the kick-boxing soreness - whole other blog post!) and organize some paperwork into files rather than continue to carry it around and thumb through it. time management books often say we shouldn't touch a piece of paper more than once and i try to remember that when carrying around mail, printed e-mails, invoices, statements, etc.

tonight i canceled dinner plans with a dear friend because my newspaper editor needed my column piece this evening. thus, i got home at 8:30pm and felt like a kid in a candy store. what to do getting home so early? so, i painted my nails black, dined on a delicious salad (to counter my two skinny cow ice cream sandwiches), and crawled into bed to watch some mindless entertainment. despite to-dos that never seem to end, it's so important to take this down time, get dolled up with some nail polish (loving the black), and know that the to-dos will be waiting for me in the morning. ahhhh, those lovely to-dos.

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