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Thursday, December 11, 2014

tranquilosophy: gratitude/giveaway

three treats ready to ship to you

This morning we hosted our annual Tranquil Space Directors' holiday brunch at Founding Farmers and I found myself filled with an amazing sense of gratitude. Gratitude for a stellar studio team that  handles a tremendous amount of projects around the clock, for supporters of my recent creative projects, and for you, my dear reader.

Musing here for over a decade has offered the opportunity to connect, grow, explore, and challenge myself in more ways than I could have ever imagined. And to think that there are other like-hearted people {like YOU!} around the globe similarly seeking more tranquility, meaning, and connection.

As a token of gratitude, I'm offering a giveaway of three amazing products:Year of Gratitude Kit, Vegan Tea Party Soap Box, Vegan Flower Soap Box from Uncommon Goods. I handpicked these three items as parfait for my readers and am excited to ship them your way. Who doesn't love {+ need} handmade soaps and snail mail thank yous? Consumables are truly to greatest gifts.

Based out of Brooklyn, Uncommon Goods supports artisans and designers, many who make the products by hand without harm to animals or people. So basically, our kind of community. Here's a bit on their holiday gifts, some fun stocking stuffers, and their Facebook page. I'm a fan!

Enter to win ONE of the THREE items in the giveaway:

1. Leave a comment below offering a tranquility tip for handling the hollydaze with ease.
2. Include your email addy.
3. Take three deep breaths before posting. {My tranquility tip}
4. Post your tranquility tip by Sunday, December 14 midnight ET.

Three winners will be randomly chosen and announced here on Monday, December 15.

In closing, I want to again express my gratitude for your support. We've truly come a long way together and I am excited to see what 2015 holds.

As we continue playing Santa here at the Pink Palace by shipping goodies your way, I hope you know how much love goes into each and every exchange. I bow to you and appreciate you. Bisous. x 

This post is courtesy of Uncommon Goods' beautiful offering of the three tranquility-enhancing items. Find them online here

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MELANIE said...

My biggest tip is to enjoy the season and expand your creativity comfort zone whether it's baking a new type of cookie or exploring new ways to wrap gifts.

Happy Holidays, Kimberly!

Maite said...

My tranquility tip is to think of others who may be in need during the holiday season and to help, best gift I can give to myself.
Bonnes fĂȘtes!

Coffee, Tea, Tarot, and Me. said...

My tranquility tip would have to be to make some time to just sit down with a good book and a cup of tea.

My email is

Happy holidays Kimberly.

Mallory Reed said...

My tranquility tip is to practice mindfulness amongst the hustle and bustle. Notice your parents, your children, your friends, your family. Soak it up and savor the moments. Breathe it in deep. This moment is unique and will pass. Spread love and be present.

Anonymous said...

My tranquility tip is to take a hard look at your holiday to do list and take one thing off the list. The holidays will still happen without it :)

Happy holidays,

KatiaYoga said...

My tip would be to focus on the magic of this season. It's easy to lose sight of it with all the busy energy in the air, rushing through busy malls, planning one party after another. As much as possible, try to truly enjoy the moment and tap into the subtle magic behind the busy facade. Even at a busy party, make the time to step off to the side and breathe while taking in the scenery and sights all around. Smile. Feel the magic! It's awesome. :)

Le Roost Rentals said...

Happy Holidays Kimberly!
My tip is a simple one that I'm enjoying for the season...fill a bird feeder. It's made me sit and be present to the tiniest creatures of the season.

Sarah said...

This is so sweet and generous Kimberly! My tip is to plan ahead of busy times and create a go-to kit. I just made "Holi-DAZE Anti-Stress Kits" for my colleagues. It consists of:
Breathe: Eucalyptus candle to fight mental fatigue
Relieve: Peppermint to ease headaches, indigestion, and induce calmness
Taste: Dark chocolate to lower blood pressure and cortisol
Drink: Tea to take a moment and relax
Gratitude: Notepad to journal what you are grateful for this holiday season
Play: Play-Doh to squeeze away the stress

Happy holidays!

Marie said...

Going for a quick jog or walk around the block can be so refreshing.

Happy Holidays everyone!

Unknown said...

My tranquility tip is to take time for YOU. Schedule a massage for yourself. As a massage therapist, I have seen clients be able to calm the inner chaos just by putting themselves first. :)

Melanie said...

In the Catholic liturgy, the season of Advent comes before Christmas. It is a time of going within, of renewal, peace and tranquility before we embrace the celebration of Christmas. My tranquility tip is to find your own form of Advent between Thanksgiving and Christmas....carve out space for journaling, baths, long walks, massage...whatever you need to feel peace within the hectic pace of the season. It might only be a moment to take pleasure in the lights of your Christmas tree as you sip your tea or coffee in the morning. But there is always a moment, and that moment can sustain you through the whole day.

meecindy said...

I really appreciate and am grateful for you Miss Kimberly!

My tranquility tip would be to take a few minutes each day just for you to slow down, close the eyes, and breathe.

Peace, love, and happy holidays :-)


Colleen said...

After I've put my two young daughters to bed at night, I like to take a few minutes to sit with all the lights out except those on the Christmas tree and enjoy the still and the quiet.


Unknown said...

Thank you for all these wonderful tips! I would add to think about giving yourself the gift of stepping up self-care at this time when we really need it, but can easily let it slip. Be more vigilant about drinking water. Make a healthy and festive overnight oatmeal with cranberries to nourish you in the morning. Up your intake of green juice. Designate a night weekly to go to bed earlier. Combine your artist date with making a holiday craft. And finally, do little things for yourself that feel happy and festive, like tucking a holiday cookie in your packed lunch or wearing glittery holiday earrings to work.

Alexa said...

My tip is to spend as much time outside in nature, even in cold, wintry weather. Remember, there is no bad weather, only bad clothing! :)

Shannon said...

My tip to find tranquility is to look for something beautiful and just enjoy it. It only takes a moment and quite easy to find anywhere (last night, it was something as simple as a beautiful scarf a coworker was wearing).

Kate said...

Thank for sponsoring this very generous giveaway, Kimberly!!

My best tip for a tranquil holiday is to have NO SCHEDULE AT ALL! There is nothing better than waking up naturally, spending the day in the kitchen leisurely cooking, tasting, and chatting with family, eating whenever the food is ready, and then relaxing away the evening...all without ever changing out of your fluffy pjs.

I know that this may not work for everyone or for those with big families, but even if you can't have a no schedule day ON the holiday, I highly recommend one DURING your holidays!

Happy (and tranquil) Holidays, Everyone!!


Unknown said...

Thank you for spreading joy in your truly magical way, Kimberly!

My tranquility tip is this: Expect the unexpected. Don't aim for perfection, go with the flow. Remember that some of the most beautiful holiday moments are unplanned.

Happy Holidays to you!

elyserenae said...

Legs up the wall & Elvis Holiday Pandora ~ Happy Holidays! ♡

Manda said...

My tip is to enjoy the little things and not get overwhelmed with things that you don't enjoy.

Unknown said...

Lavendar essential oil. Use it to relax by adding it to your bath. More importantly, diffuse it in your bedroom or spray it on your pillows to make sure you get a good night's sleep.

LiziLifeCoach said...

My Tranquility tip is to remember what this holiday is all about. Do not get lost in the hustle and bustle. When you feel that you are getting anxious stop, breathe, & count your blessings.

rachal said...

I think the best way to stay Tranquil during the holidays is to spent time outdoors with my dogs.....I love feeling the crisp air and love to laugh and play with the dogs in the snow:)

Celebrant.Cindie said...

These are all such wonderful reminders. Thank you. My tip is to take some time to feel what is most important for you in order to celebrate the holidays. What does Celebrating mean to you and how can you do it most meaningfully? Then, like decluttering, get rid of those things that do not add life and meaning. Say no!


Rosie Grey said...

My tranquility tip is to have a cup of tea and enjoy every sip of it, without doing anything else on the side… :-)

Monica said...

My tranquility tip: Enjoy a cup of tea an hour before bed and spend some time writing in a journal, notebook, diary, etc. Write anything, just let it out. Then go to bed with a clear, calm mind :)


Erena DiGonis said...

Love this!

My tip is to do good for someone else. A random act of kindness creates peace.


Happy Holidays!

alcaldeellen said...

Just breathe, just breathe, just breathe, in and out - what a miracle!

Sabra said...

When I'm most stressed I let my dog take me for a walk. If it's cold I have tea, light scented candles turn off lights and breath.being in the moment calms me down.

Jacie said...

My tranquility tip is to meditate for 5 to 15 minutes, followed up with a cup of green tea. Heavenly!

Jacie Crump

Judy H said...

for my daughters and I (even with my current broken wrist and surgery on Wednesday) it's all about the hot chocolate. a mug of hot chocolate, maybe even a new one we discovered during shopping. stopping and putting our feed up and enjoying the whipped cream or marshmallows.

Whitney said...

Even if it seems impossible, carve out ME time for the gym, creativity and hobbies!

Amanda Moon said...

When work is done, take a 20 min nap, wake up and do two or three sun salutes and drink a big glass of water. If you still need to decompress, break out the crayons and color a picture.


chai said...

My tranquility tip is to bask in the glory of a belly laugh. And, with family, holiday parties, and silly nature of stress, there are ample opportunities to laugh!

happy holidays!

Deborah said...

After a busy day of shopping my tip is to luxuriate in legs up the wall pose followed by a cuppa chamomile tea :)


Anonymous said...

My tranquil tip is to do what already de-stresses you, but with a holiday twist. For example, do a home yoga practice to a Christmas playlist on Spotify or watch a movie and have it be a Christmas movie. Color...Christmas cards. You get the picture :)
My email address is

nicole J. said...

My tip is to set aside time to enjoy the moments and the people with whom you are sharing the holidays. Instead of worrying about finding the perfect gift, let your gift be spending quality time with those you love.

Wishing all a happy holiday season!

Nicole -

Melinda Parkhurst said...

My tranquility tip is to take a few minutes each day to step outside to take a few deep breaths, close your eyes a moment and just listen to the sounds around you.

Wishing everyone a happy holiday season!

B said...

My tip is to spend a few minutes in the middle of the day lying flat on your back on the floor with your knees bent and let the support of the ground help you feel easy and long in your spine.

Happy holidays, all!


Unknown said...

My tranquility tip is to get outdoors whenever possible. When I take my dog out for even a quick walk I return more tranquil and with a fresh perspective.

ehutson (at)

Unknown said...

My tranquility tip for this Xmas season is to get yourself all bundled up and go for a nice brisk walk and hand-deliver Xmas cards to your family, friends and neighbours.

You feel so much more connected and peaceful within, and the bonus is you will have gotten a bit of exercise at the same time :)

Seasons Greetings,
Hali T.

Katherine Dimas said...

My tranquility tip is to bundle up and head outdoors. Walk along in the peaceful silence of the snowfall, revel in the whitewashed beauty of your neighborhood, and smile at all the passers-by. If there is no snow where you live, then I suggest sitting by a lit Christmas tree and listening to your favorite Christmas carols or relaxing music. Happy holidays!

Jennifer said...

I'm not sure if this is phone is being silly. If so, please delete one! Anyway, thanks for the opportunity, Kimberly! My girls and I make an essential oil blend of lavender, lemon, and peppermint to dab on our wrists or foreheads when things get hectic or emotions run high. Have a wonderful holiday season!

Unknown said...

Slow down and write holiday cards! Set up: Cozy up to the tree that's full of twinkling lights, large coffee, crank up the Christmas music, collect favorite pens. Take the time to write a personal note -- giving thanks for the person to whom you're writing. Merry, Merry.

Unknown said...

Get out for a walk every day especially if it's sunny, even if it's just ten minutes out of your lunch break. Reconnecting with nature brings me back to that small still voice that's waiting patiently for me to listen to it. xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

Ooh these are great tips.. Sarah love yours with the essential oils!

My tips is to...

-Find pockets of Peace in your days
-Engage in self and soul care even if you can only do a little it's better than none!
-Take time to notice the sacred in the everyday (even if it seems routine now, one day it won't be and it is part of your journey!)

kimberly wilson said...

And the winners are #3, #30 and #45:
Cadens Mommy,
Jacie Crump,
Deb Kaz.

I'll be in touch to get your snail mail addy for shipping your goodie.

A BIG thanks to everyone who contributed their holiday tranquility tips. SO very grateful! May your hollydaze be filled with tranquility. x

Coffee, Tea, Tarot, and Me. said...

Thank you Kimberly so much, and congrats to the other winners. Happy holidays!

CoffeeAndCopyrights said...

I have so many tips for this time of year. As a single mom of a kiddo with special needs it is imperative that I campy spirit towards tranquility at this time of year lest I be swept up in a chaotic storm only to settle down as the sun sets on January 1st of the next year.

What I do to "weather the daily storm" is drink/bring hot tea with me EVERYWHERE. Sipping hot tea ENSURES that you will slow down and just breathe....

Breaths taken. :)

Jayna' -

Warm, happy, healthy hollydaze to all!!

CoffeeAndCopyrights said...

I know the contest is over! I Just wanted to put my 2 cents in. I forgot to mention that!