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Thursday, February 27, 2014

homemade love giveaway

Strawberry Rhubarb Jam Giveaway. Yummmmm.

As a thank you for reading, listening, and supporting Tranquility du Jour the past *almost* ten years, I'll be shipping off ten care packages containing a 1oz. jar of this yummy homemade jam created last week in Oklahoma.

To enter the giveaway, leave a link to your favorite blog post OR offer a suggestion on how you'd like to celebrate our 10-year anniversary {google hangout, DC meet-up, etc.} in the comments section below by Monday, March 3 11pm ET. Be sure to leave your email addy.

Winners will be chosen at random and announced with delight next week in the comments section below. Bisous. x

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Kathi said...

I love this post from Feb 5. It felt so personal and mirrored many of my own experiences.

Scribbling Change said...

Kimberly, would LOVE a google hangout. I am too far from DC to ever get to your events there and just being able to see from a distance all that is going on would be amazing!

Charissa Struble said...

Kimberly, I'd love if you did a Google Hangout so I could attend. It would also be amazing if you create a little PDF handout of your favorite tranquil moments of the past 10 years. I love you week in review and things I love posts. They really are incredibly personal and sweet.

Gina said...

Google Hangout would be swell. I can't put my finger on a favorite blog post, but I enjoyed following your cross-country journey. Also, your podcast with Max Strom continues to resonate with me.

Mallory Reed said...

I am a new follower, but I adored your winter book recommendation and look forward to your spring choice. I have listened to a few podcasts, purchased the Tranquility du Jour daybook, and look forward to more virtual adventures with you! <3

Alexa said...

I would love a Google Hangout!

Jamie Leigh Martin said...

GoogleHangouts or even TinyChat would be really cool. I never thought of connecting with my readers that way.

Katy said...

I love that you'll be giving away some jam. That feels like it's so you.

As for a celebration...I like the idea of a google hangout. Maybe make it a party of some sort. Could also throw in a couple giveaways for fun maybe.

e7 said...

I loved the posts on the tranquility tour. Episode 300.

elizabeth.speck said...

Having sampled your yummy jam at Tranquil Space Arlington in late 2013, I'd definitely love to have some more!

I always love your Mindful Monday posts (and also the book club pick on mindfulness and food). This was a recent favorite:

Sabra said...

Wow it seems we all had similar ideas on a google hangout. Otherwise I'll have to say I have no favorites since I like them all. Reading the daily postings causes me to stop and reflect. Thank you for that.

Chiara said...

Another cool celebration idea would be to organize a snail mail tranquility swap, where readers who are interested can get another reader's name and address and mail him/her a little dose of tranquility (a thoughtful quote, a sample of tea, etc.).

One post I keep coming back to is the "A Few Minutes of Yoga" video that was recorded a few years ago in July 2011. It's a great routine that I can squeeze in whenever and it's always fun to watch.

Le Roost Rentals said...

Hi Kimberly, I love your blog and have been a reader for years! I check in every couple of days and your posts are such a motivator to stop, reflect and recharge. And this is terribly silly but probably my most favorite posts are glimpses of the Pink looks like the perfect haven! Congrats on 10 years!!

meecindy said...

Trying to pick a favorite blog post would be like trying to decide which of my kids I like best! You're definitely an inspiration to me. As for how to celebrate.....what I wouldn't give to be able to come to DC, but that's not in the cards at the moment. A Google hangout sounds fun! Congratulations on 10 years and I'm looking forward to many, many more.

Cindy :)

Kelly said...

I can't pick just one blog post, but I used to love your meatless recipes! Bring those back please!

rachal said...

I would love to see an anthology put together of the Best of the Blog- which it all is!

Unknown said...

I love the idea of a Google Hangout with as many Tranquility fans as possible.

I loved your trip across the US and was so happy to have met you during the LA trip.

Though it may sound as a cop out, I honestly don't have a favorite post or podcast, each are incredibly unique and really brighten my day.

Katie said...

I think you should have a party in DC and do the google hangout - but I also think you should have a party in NYC since you're here every week ;) I would love some jam - the strawberry rhubarb jam at le pain quotidien is my favorite.

Unknown said...

I have been following your posts for about 2 years now; I love your perspective on life and your posts allow me to focus on the smaller things in life that bring tranquility and to not be bounded by my over arching hopes and dreams.

Here's one of my favorite posts that made me think about my own personal legacy:

And oh goodness I hope I get the jam! :)

momof2 said...

I love so many of your posts, Kimberly - especially well-being Wednesday and mindful Mondays. Also, art journaling is a big part of my life now and you were an inspiration for that.

momof2 said...

Hi Kimberly - I love your mindful monday and wednesday well-being columns. Also, art journaling is a big part of my life now and you were such an inspiration for that.

Jackie said...

Kimberly, I would love to do a Google hangout event; that would be awesome!

I always enjoy all of your blog posts - they are so inspiring. I've been referring a lot lately to this blog post where you gave your recipe for kale chips - so easy and delicious!

shelly said...

Would love to see a google hangout.i loved all your utube videos on style, books and yoga . So i would say more videos to celebrate your 10 year. Also loved the budget posts that you did a few years back. Email

kimberly wilson said...

a BIG thank you to all for submitting your suggestions and input!

the 10 strawberry rhubarb jam winners are:

charissa struble
elizabeth speck
cindy lee fearon
nest interiors

send moi your snail mail addy by friday the 7th and i'll get a care package out to you! x

kimberly wilson said...

oh, and my email addy is {for sending your snail mail addy}! x