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Monday, November 25, 2013

mindful monday

image courtesy of path to wellness

downtime is sacred. when asked what i did most of our recent tranquility tour, i giggle and confess that i looked out the window. for hours. days actually. and loved it.

in a culture that values productivity and making things happen, the notion of sitting fireside, strolling, or sipping tea at a sidewalk cafe for hours seems frivolous. {the french refer to strolling as flânerie and it's a popular practice}. it appears that this downtime may be just what the soul needs.

stuck in an internet connection haze while juggling reading a book last night, i came across a great article on on the value of disconnecting. i had just led the mindfulness workshop at tranquil space earlier in the day where preaching meditation, unplugging, and deep thinking were part of the equation. 

it was interesting to notice how feeling tired and ungrounded led me down a rabbit hole of switching from my book to quick peeks at my iphone in search of additional stimulation. isn't a book enough? the only good part of last night's juggling moment is that i stumbled across this article and it hit a reset button of sorts. i copied the link, put down my iphone, and couldn't wait to share it with you.

to summarize the article and encourage a connection to mindful moments, here are the 5 suggestions for disconnected downtime:

1. rituals for unplugging {also on the tranquilologie weekly checklist}
2. daily doses of deep thinking {maybe during your morning or evening routines}
3. meditation and naps to clear the mind {let this be your daily mindful movement}
4. self-awareness and psychological investment {try a daily dose of exploratory journal writing}
5. protect the state of no-intent {try this during your weekly soak in the tub}

wishing you moments of mindful downtime. as we head into the hollydaze, we need these moments more than ever. carve out some space. disconnect. whittle your commitments. give the gift of your full presence. bisous. x

to explore mindfulness further, join the "mindfulness: tranquility within" e-course.

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Unknown said...

To this wonderful list I would add, be in and with nature. How can we focus on our technological appendage of choice when Being mindful of the beauty and
perfection of the sky, trees, snowflakes, sun, the breeze, the leaves or water? Wishing you a meaningful Thanksgiving!

kimberly wilson said...

absolutely, love this! thank you for sharing x

Anonymous said...

I often wonder why when I'm reading a good book or engaged in an activity I enjoy - I feel the need to pick up the iPhone - as if I have to fill up some well of connectivity! Wonderful article you shared and after reading it I promised myself I would comment on your lovely post and then turn off the phone to enjoy some quiet moments. :)

Dawn said...

Thank you for sharing, and the reminder to carve time out during the hollydaze! (I love that word.) I will be traveling a lot, and seeing lots of friends and family. Those quiet moments (and also running and yoga) are going to keep me sane.