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Monday, June 11, 2012

things i love: provence take deux

 1. postcard painting
 2. giving small gifts with great love
 3. an exhausted puppy sleeping on le beau's shoe (after snagging heaps of raspberry jam)
 4. french-themed ephemera packets
5. journals + french lace doilies in glassine envelopes sealed with paris-themed tape

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moi said...

Louis looks exhausted!!!

moi said...

p.s. please keep the posts coming from Provence Redux!

prairiediva said...

Lovely idea - pics of favourite things.

kimberly wilson said...

moi - oui, exhausted. just found him with his head in the kitchen trash. lordie. heaps of photos to come when i can upload a bit more easily.

merci, prairie diva! x