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Monday, September 13, 2010

monday musing

this weekend was spent at beau's family home in upstate new york for the annual corn roast. i binged on cupcakes. so much so that i struggled to remove my ring that evening. wowza! that's *a lot* of cupcakes!

en route to his hOMetown, we stopped at the farm sanctuary and met many of our sponsored barnyard members. this week's tranquility du jour tv will be a video of the experience - includes meeting 1-month old piglet bob who was smitten with beau's shoelaces!

as we were heading out of town i came across this darling bench with one of my favorite quotes by gandhi: "be the change you wish to see in this world." a beautiful reminder as we start this fresh week.

*what* is the change you wish to see? and what small steps can you take to make it a reality? wishing you a joyful, tranquil start to this week. think: oodles of possibility!


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Analiese said...

I just made my first donation to the Farm Sanctuary! Can't wait to get up there for a visit at some point.

Love that quote by Gandhi. The change I wish to see is compassion: for others, for myself, and for the earth and all its creatures. Thank you for prompting me to set this intention today!


Anonymous said...

you are too cute with the cupcakes kimberly!

i love that quote's on my business cards :)

*sigh* i can't wait to visit farm sanctuary...what's cuter than a piglet??!!


Katness said...

Awesome! I love that quote. I'm trying to visit the Farm Sanctuary for the Moby Concert and want to take the tour as well. I'm very passionate about animal rights and wish this place was a little closer. But I'm sure it's worth the trip.

Vintage Butterfly said...

Sweets...yummy cupcakes...yup, I need to get back on track also.

The change I wish to see in the world, is more tolerance, of the self and others. For everyone to just realize that everyone is doing the best they that moment. :)