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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

creative dreams + pink eiffel towers

monday night i hosted my "swan song" (as carol referred to it) with a creativity finale in the TranquiliT showroom. i was joined by a lovely group of ladies who: explored their creative dreams, engaged in free writing, encouraged one another, learned my top 5 tips for creative flair . . . while sipping bubbly and noshing on brie. it was a delightful evening and i, too, came away inspired from their energy. yay for creative dreams! one of my favorite books that addresses creative dreams is by SARK called make your creative dreams real. fun, colorful read. the get your creativity mp3 is available here. what are your creative dreams? what small steps can you take TODAY to move toward making them a reality?

here is a potpourri of my creative dreams:
Tranquil Teens nation-wide
teach yoga to prisoners
therapist in private practice focused on supporting and empowering women
tiny studio flat in new york and/or paris
quaint stand alone TranquiliT shoppe
handmade TranquiliT by moi
return to beading one-of-a-kind necklaces
write a best-seller and have a fun book tour to meet oodles of interesting ladies
have a potbelly pig as a pet (or two)
create a fragrance
win a grant from eileen fisher or martha stewart
plant a larger garden
host a talk show/TV lifestyle segment
run businesses slated among the top 100 small biz to work in

one of my dearest friends returned from a trip to the city of light and brought back a pink eiffel tower for moi and sir louis. (note it hanging off his collar as i hold him - he's not as enamored). my pal dropped them off this evening at the showroom while i was trying on the final samples for the fall collection. ooh la la - i am really loving the new designs and can't wait to share. photo shoot at the end of the month! anyway, back to paris. soooo, this eiffel tower is darling - pink, shiny, and topped with pink crystally things. i MUST find a way to turn this into a necklace.

french class wasn't as traumatic today. actually enjoyed it despite continuing to be the worst pronunciator. maybe i'm not meant to speak it - only appreciate it on print or in music. hmmmm. time will tell. in the interim, i love learning new words. today my faves were belle and beau = beautiful and handsome AND bonne journee = good day.

fabulous strategic planning session with the talented steering committee of tranquil space foundation this evening. save the date: october 8 is our annual gala and this year is sure to sparkle. SO proud of the great work that our amazing group of volunteers is doing in the community and beyond!

now to slumber and dream of pink, sparkly eiffel towers overseeing my creative dreams.

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Unknown said...

what a delightful musing! i too, shall find myself a pink eiffel tower to hang above my bed as a pseudo-dream maker. now, if i could only get a kick in the pants for motivation . . .

lynn said...

i have dreams of pot belly piggies too....

Sarah said...

Your dreams sound fantastic! You always create such wonderful dreams.

I love the Eiffel Tower!

And I think Tranquil Teens is a fantastic program. I always try to encourage my clients to encorporate yoga into their routine of diminishing stress. If only I had a yoga instructor by my side at those times, it would be much easier for me to convey the point!

Anonymous said...

I loved this post - such a wonderful reminder to always look forward and try new things :)

Anonymous said...

I plan to make a list of "creative dreams" and post on my blog. It's a wonderful way to keep your goals alive and become accountable for making things happen.

goodmoodyogagirl said...

Love reading about your dreams - always such an astounding inspiration.
Louis looks adorable and it is like he doesn't even realize the celebrity that he is!!
Have a wonderful weekend, I am hoping to have a blissful two days of yoga and creativity on my own little weekend staycation!
why not?