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Monday, January 05, 2009

new year, new you teleclass

fresh off tonight's teleclass with other lovely ladies from around the globe. attached is a gorgeous visual of notes taken by the artful woman herself. wishing everyone a lovely start to the new year. each day offers a chance to start anew.

may 2009 be full of sparkles, joy, do-gooding, simplicity, and tall vegan boots!

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Caitlin said...

Fabulous teleclass, my first, and how appropo for the new year. I just wish I had gone shopping for colored pencils, as the ones I used are from 3rd grade! (Junior in college now) I spent most of the time sharpening them. Excellent ideas, will definitely have to spend some time on reflection and organization. Kudos!

The Depressed Yogi said...

wow that flower puts mine to shame!

Globetrotting Cacti said...

Thanks for the MP3 - just sat infront of my fire (with my new pens!) and listened to it. What a fabulous way to start the year - busy setting some intentions and trying to find a word to represent 2009....
Wow to the flower - amazing and beautiful.... very inspiring too....

Ange said...

Thanks for sharing Kimberely! I've actually made that my desktop image because it is so beautiful and such a great reminder!

Jennifer said...

Thanks for some awesome insight last night, I throughly enjoyed it and am looking forward to the online creativity class in a few weeks!

Bronwyn said...

wow, thanks for a wonderful class. it was great to carve out that special time for myself, make tea and light a candle, shut the door on my little sanctuary, curl up under my favorite handmade quilt with art supplies all over the bed - YUM! and thanks for posting MY FLOWER!! I'm flattered at all the kind comments...