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Friday, January 16, 2009

missing my macbook air

gearing up for tomorrow's all-day hip and tranquil gala and so looking forward to seeing everyone. stuffed goody bags, tied bows around incense, and am putting the finishing touches on the event later tonight after teaching two classes. happy to see that we were featured on capitol b. thanks for the shout-out, barbara. two spots left in case you would like to join us!

tricky week technology-wise. pink treo isn't interested in holding a charge more than a few hours and my macbook air decided it needed a new hard drive. oh, and said hard drive hasn't arrived at the apple store despite the fact that the computer was to be ready yesterday or today at the latest. thus, i'm file-less, document-less, and e-mail history-less pre-wednesday. never fear, it's all backed up, just awaiting a new hard drive to pour it all back into. yes, i'm practicing detachment, but realizing just how attached i am as i haul beau's old, heavy powerbook around full of my e-mail wed-now. 

i got out this week's online TranquiliT orders and will be somewhat MIA the next few days with full agendas: teacher training, new year's gala, more teacher training, teaching classes, and teaching our liberation flow workshop on inauguration eve/MLK day. look forward to emerging mid-next week hopefully with a new hard drive and a more spacious schedule. still loving this word: spaciousness. doesn't it sound divine? wishing you a spacious weekend and truly over-the-moon to see some of you in the morning! 

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Monika Fabian said...

Gotta love that mercury in retrograde!

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel. My iBook was stolen over the winter holidays and is lost to the world of meth heads and pawn shops. Even though it was slow and obsolete it was my first new computer 3 years ago. Not only that it had been a record of my life for the past 3 years as well. It had all of the papers I've written in Uni, including my 25 page history thesis from last year. Various sets of photographs from Hawaii and my cousin from the UK's visit.

Then, a day after being robbed, my mobile met the floor traveling at a high velocity and stopped displaying anything. I've felt disconnected from the world for the past month and it's been awful.

Now I have my boyfriend's MacBook and a new Blackberry (by far the most fancy phone I've ever laid my hands on). Which is ok because both my mobile and iBook were on their way out of the world, but, the new things don't feel very much 'mine' yet.

The Depressed Yogi said...

God bless Apple, but what is the deal with macbooks and their hard drives?? Mine died (out of the blue) the day after I took the BAR, and a friend of mine lost hers last Spring. I'm starting to think I really need to get that pink hard drive i've been eyeing...

sølvi said...

I think I will need a new hard drive for my Mac as well. I feel totally out of it. Like you, I have back up, but I don’t have access to my life. Is that overly dramatic you think?

Deadra Morrison said...

Yeah, mercury has been working overtime this week to help us figure out 'what isn't working...' The benefit? Cool new stuff that works better! For me it was the end of a mind numbing job and the start of my working full time at home...