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Saturday, August 09, 2008

schedule shifts, making an impact, off to kripalu

today my schedule got shifted as beau and i headed to ikea for a few studio and showroom pieces. he decided we didn't have enough time before my next appointment and we'd be too rushed. i throw a mini fit. "i told people we'd get these items." "what will i do with the 2 hours i've slated for this?" he offers to handle it. "i can't have you go b/c i'll have the car this week and you don't know what to get." um, wow, am i five years old? it's crazy how addicted i am to my schedule flowing as planned. if it doesn't work as such, i get completely thrown off and feel out of sorts. it's silly! i requested a drive by teaism to drown my disappointment in ginger scones and we returned home where i promptly filled the two hours with laundry, packing, and organizing - all things i have to do before driving off to kripalu at 9am.

i carried on with my appointments of the day and sent beau with a list to ikea. he fulfilled the mission with flying colors and i received an interesting lesson in letting go of attachment to my best-laid plans!

last night we were watching the news when the aspca commercial with sarah mclachlan came on. i immediately went to the website and signed up for the monthly donation. then i remembered the mid-atlantic pug rescue that we donated to for louis' third birthday and i made another donation. i started reading some of the stories, looked at beau and started to cry. he made me stop reading, put the computer away, and was a bit perplexed as don't typically break out into tears. ah, i have SUCH a soft spot for animals and want to do more. donations are great, leading doga is fun, being a good mum to my three furry friends is great, but i want to have more of an impact! what fuels you into tears? in what ways can you make an impact? how can we best speak up or serve others who can't speak up or serve themselves?

tomorrow i head out for a 7-hour drive and an opening circle at the start of my retreat at kripalu. i'm so excited to meet the lovely ladies and bask in a week of yoga and creativity in the mountains. pictures, stories, and insights sure to come. enjoy your sunday!

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Anonymous said...

I also through a 'hissy fit' when my plans (even if they are only in my head)are thrown askew. I really do, I have an idea how I want things to flow and get upset when my significant other throws a wrench into my plana. I have learned over the years that it is ok and ususally more fun to live in the moment and go with the flow! I understand what you are feeling and I'll bet those ginger scones were delicious!
I also love those animal commercials, I cry every time! I cry when I see a dog on th street and I can't stop to help (I really try every time to help).
Have so much fun in Kripalu - sounds like a fabulous time and I wish I could be there! :)

Anonymous said...

I am always moved to tears by anything having to do with children being mistreated.

Have a great time at Kripalu. Let go, let it flow.

Anonymous said...

OMG -- that is so the story of my life. I don't mind a busy schedule BUT only if the schedule does not change. If it does, I get very very whiny. I'm working on it :D

Anonymous said...

I can't watch that commercial without bursting to tears every time! I've gotten to the point where I either have to look away, mute the TV, or leave the room. If I could live my whole life helping those poor, adorably furry babies (and still pay the bills) I would do it in a heart beat. That's my goal, really - figure out how to make my passion pay the bills, or just eliminate all bills!!! :-D

Blog said...

Ohhh! Wish I could be at Kripalu! So wish! One day. Have a great time! And, drive safely!

Also, it's good to know you throw fits, too! :) Thanks for that!

Ananda said...

letting go is something that is hard for me to do especially when i am reved up in creative mode like now with this next book and so many other things happening. you sound like me.... wow. i am glad you let go. enjoy the surrender flow. it helps us all learn how to surrender..... aham namah is one of my chants this week. i am surrendering is the easy translation.