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Thursday, June 26, 2008

35 IS the new 25!

as i was falling asleep on monday night, a light bulb went off in my head. how about a solo sojourn to nyc for my 35th? i sat on it for a day or two and then presented it to beau who had offered to make me a lovely meal. he was totally supportive and even offered to treat me to a return trip home on the train rather than the bus. what a gem! happy birthday to moi. nycers (or lovers of nyc), any ideas on special treats for monday? i think magnolia bakery is a no-brainer, dharma mittra yoga center for some yummy yoga, some shopping at H&M (i love a bargain), a massage at some random walk-up, and some cafe writing time. any suggestions? please share! i hope to have about 12 hours in that lovely city that never sleeps.

for some reason 35 is feeling kinda big. i mean, i did get carded tonight and was over the moon but i realized last night that i started college 17 years ago. THAT is crazy! days are passing so quickly and this makes it uber-important to be content, mindful, and in touch with what makes us tick.

tonight my BFF treated me to a yummy italian meal for my b-day, then she had to dash off so i treated myself to a french flick - priceless. quite cute and a joyful night out. seeing movies alone is oddly empowering. it's a fun film and the subtitles helped me connect to the lovely french language. au revoir, bonjour, oui, mademoiselle. sooo pretty! too bad i'm a french class drop-out.

looking forward to tomorrow's design day for jewelry, spring 2009 planning, and sewing!

please tell me 35 is the new 25. i'm banking on it!

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Globetrotting Cacti said...

A day in NYC - sounds perfect. The cup cakes at Magnolia bakery are mega yummy! Hope that you have a perfect day (and hope to see some photos). I am 33 this year so also hoping 35 is the new 25.....

Anonymous said...

Happy B day! My bday was june 16th! I am right behind you on years! I am 33 and was told to tell people i am 29 with 4 yrs expereience! As for suggestions for NYC! there is a place called Yamuna studio.They do body rolling/yoga. They also have a foot exercise class to help strengthen your feet to wear heels! It's sooo cool! I read it in Vogue once and had to try it. google the website and it should give you hours of op, address, etc. For shopping there is century 21, by the site of the previous world trade center! It's hit or miss. I personally love henri bendel dept. store on 5th ave., they support stuggling desginers to sell their accessories. I LOVE the bead girl[custom makes jewlery like u do!], she has been there forever!! i have 2 things from her! and for food..try max brenner's by union's ALL chocolate!! Highly reccomend!


Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Kimberly! Thanks for all the information you share and may all that you do for others return to you tenfold this year and always!

haus maus said...

You are 35? OWN IT SISTA!

I don't think 35 is the new 25. :) I think 35 is what it is. You're 35 -- Embrace it, enjoy it, you get more out of life without constantly chasing your youth. Would you really want to be 25 again? I am 35 and would never want to be in my 20's after seeing the progress and overall experience these years has given me. All this "kitten" vs "cougar" talk and 40 is the new 30 and all of this is a very American way of thinking. If you go to France or other parts of the world you find a much different mentality when it comes to age.

You are 35, enjoy it. My great aunt teaches ballroom dance in Chicago at 85 years old. Do you think she is a vibrant 85-year-old because she worried about aging?

There is more to life than worrying about age... It happens whether we want it to or not. The key is to enjoy it and watch your progress.

Have FUN in NYC. :)


Anonymous said...

Coming from someone who is only 19, I agree that 35 is much better than 25! Experience AND youth! Happy birthday, Kimberly! <3 :)

Anonymous said...

You're only as old as you feel yourself to be. Happy 25th ;)

The Depressed Yogi said...


that's funny you are turning 35 b/c i am turning 25 in a couple months, and lemme tell ya, i'd MUCH rather be you turning 35 than me turning 25! You are wildly successful, inspiring women all over the WORLD, and still pursuing new adventures everyday. Plus you're so fab and hot that even girls have crushes on you. ;-)

Happy Almost Birthday!!

Anonymous said...

Average life expectancy in Botswana is 34 years thanks to HIV/AIDS. What is wrong with turning 35?

Carolyn said...

35 is for sure the new 25! I am 4-1 and look 30..NYC is great! Def hit Max Brenners sooo yummy and while in Union Square definitely stop by the Union Square Farmers Market! In addition to all of the fabulous organic fruits and veggies there are loads of homemade soaps, lotions, and other yummy treats to make a Birthday a happy one! If your in the mood for Italian..Angelos in Little Italy is divine and has been there forever! Enjoy your trip and Happy Birthday from one Moon Child to another

Anonymous said...

May all your Birthday Wishes come TRUE Kimberly!

What a coincidence, as I too had the same revelation just before I turned 36 this past February.

I know they say its just a number... but at the time, I felt it representative of this feeling I had, about still being more connected to my 20s. Then I too calculated the high school and college year math, and well...

I came to the conclusion that every age is a celerbation! And I prefer mine to last for at least a "Birthday Birthday" WEEK!

I hope yours does too!!!

Lynne from NY said...

The older you get, the more you realize how fast time flies. 25 years ago, you were just a kid at 10. 25 years from now, you will be 60. Numbers can drive you crazy. You said it best - be content and mindful. Appreciate the beauty of today.
Happy Birthday Kimberly, and thank you for sharing your world. It makes ours brighter!
ps) take lots of pix in NYC, we look forward to hearing about your adventure!

Pink Heels said...

Happy Birthday Beautiful! Enjoy the food, shopping, culture, and downtime while you are in NYC.

Anonymous said...

I have a NYC suggestion: How about Patricia Fields' shop in the East Village for some inspiration. She moved from SoHo a while ago.Whatever you do, stay in the moment, and enjoy!

Mary said...

HAPPY 35! And a trip to NYC sounds perfect. I'll be doing the same for my 30th this year (from Australia). Thanks for sharing your beautiful blog with us - you're an inspiration :-)

Anonymous said...

Age may be just a number but at 35 your biological clock is ticking A LOT louder than it did at 25.

Something to think about.