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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

harmonium happenings

i learned to play shiva shambo and gopala last night on the studio's new harmonium. i brought in a teacher for a few yogis and moi and we pounded away with occasional screeches. i'd been pecking at the poor thing for a while - didn't get the whole "chords" thing. gotta play a few keys at once. tricky!

tonight i'm packing for my 7-hour drive to the catskills tomorrow to lead my second hip tranquil chick retreat in a beautiful old farmhouse. it's always nice to shake things up for a few days and i'm looking forward to spending time with an amazing group of girls. our cook promises banana splits on friday night so i think i'll be in heaven. beau's been gone this week so i've been fending for myself and i'm not too impressive in the kitchen to say the least. tonight i dined at wendy's on yummy fries and a frosty float. yikes, not feeling so fabulous. dying for some brown rice, cooked greens, and fresh ANYTHING! anyone else have a french fry problem? gonna go eat a pear to try to make up for the drama.

if you're looking to dive deeper into blooming this spring, join me for a teleclass THIS monday at 8:30et. no french fries, only fabulous (and fun) musings on how to live fully this spring!

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Anonymous said...

Hi im martha ramirez and i listen to your podcast almost every day, and i love it, im from mexico and i just want to say that keep up with the good work and all the advises and encouragments you transmit to us through out the podcast and around the world.

Anonymous said...

Kimberly, I have a french fry thing to. Every week I must get a large Mickey D-straight-out-of-the-fryer-fries. It's my weekly weakness.

Anonymous said...

i have a fry thing of a different kind... when my brother and i were both living at home, my mum would sometimes make fries as part of dinner. she made these fabulous sweet potato fries, and i'd refuse to have any fries unless they were the sweet potato ones. but while my mum, her boyfriend, and i were all thrilled with the sweet potatoes, my brother refused to eat them, so my mum would make a small batch of regular-potato fries for him!

(thankfully, now he wants to be a chef, so he's avidly trying new foods.)

my oddest weakness? probably spicy ramen noodles, a leftover from my REALLY poor days! i find them comforting.