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Monday, January 14, 2008

online artist's way course

soooo, i got SUCH great feedback that i've been mulling over how best to make this happen and documented it below. registration will start this week (once up at our website) and i look forward to exploring this exciting territory with all you interested souls.

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight it a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Online Creativity Circle with Kimberly

Do you long for more fun, more flair, more creativity? Spend four weeks with Creatress Kimberly Wilson unleashing your inner artist, taking action towards the life you desire, and relishing in a supportive online circle with like-minded ladies. During our online course, we will work through the best-seller The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron, along with concepts from Kimberly’s book, Hip Tranquil Chick, and Gail McMeekin's book 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women. Every other week Kimberly will release a podcast (starting Monday, February 25 - Monday, April 7) which will be available to registered participants, along with creative Omwork assignments, and a special e-mail forum just for you to connect with Kimberly and each other. We'll be setting creative goals, practicing yoga, participating in artistic ventures, and emerging a little more playful. Participants who complete all Omwork assignments by the requested date will receive a certificate of completion and a tranquility toolkit filled with hip and tranquil accoutrements.

Materials needed:
The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron
12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women by Gail McMeekin
Hip Tranquil Chick by Kimberly Wilson
Journal and/or sketchbook
Yoga mat

Investment: $125. Register at

Podcast Dates:
February 25
March 10
March 24
April 7

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Anonymous said...

Yay!! Something I can work into my schedule with grad school in Falls Church, Work in Charles Town, WV, and living in Winchester, VA!!! Thanks! I'm in!

Sharon Tessandori said...

Great idea! I'm hoping to fit this in. What is the time of the online "meeting" sessions? I see the dates for the podcasts, are there other dates/times for online meetings, or do I have this ALL wrong! Many Thanks...

GreenStyleMom said...

This might be just what I need to get off my behind on an idea. Please post when registration begins!

Anonymous said...

wow, talk about perfect timing! i have stacks of fabulous writing books, but i'd honestly never read the artist's way and just bought it... so, methinks this is a great way to go through it! (i've always secretly wanted to go through such a book with a group...)

kimberly wilson said...

so excited that ya'll are excited.

the online meeting times will be at your leisure as we'll have two weeks between podcast sessions to do the three weeks of work from the artist's way and additional omwork. you'll simply connect with the group via e-mail when you can. you'll also be paired with a study buddy to help hold each other accountable to do the omwork and to share it with the larger group. the registration will go up today. look forward to creating together with each of you.

Anonymous said...

Is there anyone from Raleigh who is interested in the Artist's Way?

Anonymous said...

This course looks amazing, but I'm disappointed the cost is so high. Is there a discounted rate for students available?

kimberly wilson said...

indeed, it is $200 less than the in-person fee usually charged for this 4-week event. hope you can join!

shannon said...

yea! i'm so excited for this class. thanks, kimberly!

Anonymous said...

I just signed up! I am really looking forward to it - it is great timing for me as I also just bought The Artist's way and am already into my Morning pages.

It will be fantastic to be able to go through it with a group of like-minded people!
