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Thursday, August 30, 2007

hip and tranquil kudos

A fellow Hip Tranquil Chick in Michigan just sent out the following announcement:

It is with great excitement that I announce the official launch of Pink Heels LLC! It started as a concept two years ago written on the back of a napkin while sitting in the Tranquil Space Yoga Studio in D.C. Today it is up and running. Check it out!

For those who live in Michigan or who will be visiting, I hope that you will join me on September 9th to celebrate the official launch!

Thank you for all of your support,
GO HTCs and thanks for sharing your successes with me! xo

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Anonymous said...

Ok, now I want to live in Michigan or D.C.
Way to go!!!!
Congrats and wish you the best of luck, success, happiness and tranquilness!!!

Pink Heels said...

Thank you Kimberly! I can't wait to celebrate on September 9th! Have fun in Costa Rica! Jennifer