Tuesday, March 27, 2012

tranquilologie takeaways

january's takeaways by joanne from scotland

 january's binder by andria in seattle
 january's vision board by andria in seattle

the tranquilologie e-course has been an absolute delight to write, record, and share monthly. each month covers tranquilologie’s eight topics – mindfulness, self-care, nesting, do-gooding, work, style, creativity, and dreams – in a new way for that specific time of the year. april's edition is right around the corner and filled with new ways to nurture and align your spirit. join us in the ongoing exploration of tranquilologie and enjoy these beautiful images of tranquilologie takeaways submitted by joanne and andria. bisous. x

february's takeaways by joanna in scotland

february's OMwork by andria in seattle


  1. Loved this. Thanks for sharing! Total inspiration. I have made a Tranquilolgie folder but also have covered my work notice-board with wallpaper and placed on the Jan, Feb and March images and stuck up some fav photos of my life from each month (so the end of the year I will have a collage about my year!). A good mixture of home, work, children, travel and things that have made me smile...

    Thanks again, loved seeing how other people have pulled their months together. Is their a forum where we can connect with other tranquilologie members?

  2. hello darling, so happy to hear you, too, have been busily doing your OMwork. great idea re: tranquilologie connections. we'll put on our thinking cap to come up with the best plan! x
