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Monday, May 08, 2006

happy rainy (and creative) monday!

i can't think of a better way to start the week! what's not to love about the pitter patter of rain and the chilly crisp air? in preparation for may 15's deadline, i'm home editing away on my manuscript--165 pages of a spiritually fun fusion.

while beginning to read a cute book this weekend titled the joy of doing things badly by veronica chambers, she talks about creating an illustrated journal with images and thoughts on the woman she wants to be. i LOVE doing stuff like this and find the process very empowering. today's podcast is going to be on the art of creating a collage. it's a fun, creative process on defining who you aspire to be in a visual form.

who says you're not creative? you begin creating as soon as you wake up every day, and even while you sleep (dreaming). stay tuned for the visual journal creativity toolkit, and let your inner child come out to play. happy monday, girls! may this be a FABULOUSLY creative week!

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Anonymous said...

Kimberly, have you ever seen The Illustrated Discovery Journal by Sarah Ban Breathnach? This sounds similar and is an actual guided/themed journal to stick your own collages into. The first section is on "Authentic style" and you are asked to gather pictures of how you want to look. There are several sections addressing many areas of life which can be very revealing. I definately recommend it! I only wish I had more time to do things like this!!!

Looking forward to listening to this weeks podcast!

kimberly wilson said...

you are SO right on. i LOVE sarah (she has a new book out!) and do have that illustrated discovery journal. i didn't mention it as i haven't filled it in, although i've had it for years. think it feels too outlined for me, whereas i approach it more whimsically. i do, however, think it is a GREAT tool for someone just getting started with the process. thanks so much for sharing and for being such a reader/listener from the UK! xo